PAT Testing
PAT testing helps to promote safety within the workplace. In the UK every year there are approximately 30 people killed as a direct result of contact with electricity. Even more are seriously injured. PAT testing helps to reduce the risk of being injured by ensuring that portable appliances are safe for use. HSE PAT testing regulations are designed to ensure that all portable appliances are checked to ensure their safety.
PAT testing health & safety are important in keeping workplaces safe. The Health & Safety Executive estimates that more than 25 percent of all accidents related to electric use involve portable appliances. Portable appliances can include computers and monitors, printers, toasters, fridges, kettles ad anything else that is typically used in every tasks.
Following PAT testing HSE guidelines will ensure that you comply with regulations and that you are protected along with your employees and customers or clients from electrical injuries.
For prices on PAT Testing please see out Price List